Opening times Mon-Fri 8AM-5PM
Opening times Sat-Sun 8AM-12PM

BG3 service

Adel - Bradford Grammar School

Bradford Grammar School - Adel

For information on fares and passes please contact the school via email @


AM Towards Bradford Grammar School

Otley Road, Leeds Road, Pool Bank New Road, Main Street, Pool Road, Cross green, Boroughgate, Kirkgate, Beech Hill, Westgate, Piper Lane, Bradford Lane, Otley Road, Bradford Road, Hollins Hill, Otley Road, Bradford Road, Keighley Road, Frizinghall Road, School Bus Bays.

PM From Bradford Grammar School

School Bus Bays, Frizinghall Road, Keighley Road, Bradford Road, Otley Road, Hollins Hill, Bradford Road, Otley Road, Bradford Lane, Piper Lane, Westgate, Beech Hill, Kirkgate, Boroughgate, Cross lane, Pool Road, Main Street, Pool Bank New Road, Leeds Road, Otley Road.

Bus stop information

  • Most stops listed are located at designated public bus stops however, a small number of stops (* marked with an asterisk), are not located at public bus stops; where this is the case, the exact location is noted.
  • Pupils are not permitted to board the bus at any other location than the stops listed. Pupils must arrive at their AM stop at least 5 minutes ahead of the times shown; the bus will depart on time and will not wait.
  • AM and PM times may vary due to unforeseen circumstances e.g. traffic, roadworks etc. Should a bus be delayed by more than 10 minutes, the school will make every effort to contact parents however, it is recommended that parents contact the bus company directly for updates


AdelA660 Otley Road/The Crescent0719
AdelA660 Otley Road/Kingsley Drive0721
BramhopeA660 Leeds Road/The Birches0724
BramhopeA660 Leeds Road/Tredgold Avenue0727
BramhopeA660 Leeds Road/Hall Rise0728
PoolA658 Main Street Outside The White Hart Pub0735
OtleyA659 Boroughgate/Wesley Street * Pick up and drop off in white line bus bays0740
MenstonA65 Otley Road/A65 Bradford Road Pick up at Chevin Avenue junction and drop off after roundabout0747
MenstonA65 Bradford Road/High Royds Drive0750
GuiseleyA6038 Bradford Road/Fieldhead Drive * Pick up and drop off just after Fieldhead Drive; at the metal railings0754
GuiseleyA6038 Bradford Road/Southway0756
BaildonA6038 Otley Road/Kirklands Lane Opposite Halfway House Pub0802
BaildonA6038 Otley Road/Kirklands Lane Opposite Halfway House Pub1625
GuiseleyA6038 Bradford Road/Southway1631
GuiseleyA6038 Bradford Road/Fieldhead Drive * Pick up and drop off just after Fieldhead Drive; at the metal railings1633
MenstonA65 Bradford Road/High Royds Drive1637
MenstonA65 Otley Road/A65 Bradford Road Pick up at Chevin Avenue junction and drop off after roundabout0740
OtleyA659 Boroughgate/Wesley Street * Pick up and drop off in white line bus bays0747
PoolA658 Main Street Outside The White Hart Pub1652
BramhopeA660 Leeds Road/Hall Rise1659
BramhopeA660 Leeds Road/Tredgold Avenue1700
BramhopeA660 Leeds Road/The Birches1703
AdelA660 Otley Road/Kingsley Drive1705
AdelA660 Otley Road/The Crescent1707